EDA workshop & Working with JSON/APIs/MongoDB

In this workshop we are going to explore 2 things. More advanced EDA as well as working with internet data.

EDA - Open Policing Project

In this workshop we are going to work with the Open Policing Dataset. Below you will find the starter notebook where this dataset (Rhode Island) is explored. You can check out some of the research based on this data ont the project’s page.

Colab Notebook

Internet Data, APIs, JSON and MongoDB

Digital nomads and corgis working at a beach cafe in Bali. 2022. Roman x Stable Diffusion

In this tutorial we will look into JSON, the probably most common datatype on the internet today and how we can work with it. For the tutorial you will either need to install a local copy of MongoDB or make a free-tier account with Atlas (MongoDB Cloud version).

Colab Notebook

What to do now?