NLP - Other areas

Corgies doing NLP - Medieval Fresco. 2022. Roman x Stable Diffusion

This session will continue with statistical NLP techniques in a “less guided fashion”.

Plan for the day

  • Finish up political tweets (dem/rep classifier)
  • Vectorization, distance and similarity for text (maybe even Word2Vec)
  • What research is published at AAUBS? (Scopus + Topic Models) - Hamid takes over. Scopus Topic Models


  • Finish up reseach topic modeling
  • Turning it into an app… (build & deploy a text classifier app - template code below)
  • Can you beat the score? 🎃🎃🎃 Spooky NLP
  • Spooky Author Identification Spooky NLP Notebook
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
import preprocessor as prepro

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

import eli5

    page_title="Hate-Finder 🔍",

# write everything into one function that can be re-used later
def text_prepro(texts):
  takes in a pandas series (1 column of a DF)
  removes twitter stuff
  lowercases, normalizes text
  texts_clean = t: prepro.clean(t))
  texts_clean = texts_clean.str.replace('#','')

  clean_container = []

  for text in nlp.pipe(texts_clean, disable=["tagger", "parser", "ner"]):

    txt = [token.lemma_.lower() for token in text 
          if token.is_alpha 
          and not token.is_stop 
          and not token.is_punct]

    clean_container.append(" ".join(txt))

  return clean_container

def load_model():
    pipe = pickle.load(open('hate_pipe.pkl','rb'))
    return pipe

pipe = load_model()

txt = st.text_area('Text to analyze', '''
Write here some (potentially hate-speech) text

if st.button('Predict if HATE 😵'):
    to_analyse = text_prepro(pd.Series([txt]))
    result = pipe.predict(to_analyse)[0]
    st.write(['HATE!','Not nice!','All good!'][result])