- Welcome Students!

This session will introduce you to the fundamentals of data science, with a focus on Python. We will cover the Python data science stack, essential tools and platforms, software setup, semester overview, and Python 101.

Session 1: Welcome Students!

This session sets the stage for your data science journey:

  • Python Data Science Stack: Dive into Python’s core data science libraries and frameworks. We’ve got you covered!

  • Ecosystem Deep Dive: Familiarize yourself with essential tools and platforms, such as Github, UCloud, Google Colab, and Jupyter. These will be integral to your studies and projects.

  • Software Setup: We’ll guide you through installing the crucial software. And don’t worry, our Teaching Assistants are here to assist with any challenges.

  • Semester Overview: Get a glimpse of what the upcoming weeks hold for you.

  • Python 101: We’ll ensure everyone is up to speed with Python basics.
