D) Intro to Supervised Machine Learning (W39)
Note: Supervised Machine Learning Assignment Submission Deadline: Friday, 29 September 2023, 12:00
This topic includes 4 sessions as follows:
- Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning (Mon, Sep 25th, 09.30-12:00): This session will introduce the basics of supervised machine learning.
- Supervised Machine Learning Techniques (Tue, Sep 26th, 12:30-16:15): This session will explore the different techniques used in supervised machine learning.
- Supervised ML Group Assignments (Tue, Sep 26th, 16:30-18:15): This session will be a hands-on exercise where students will work in teams to implement supervised machine learning models on real-world datasets. Students will learn how to choose the appropriate algorithm for the task at hand, prepare the data for modeling, and evaluate the performance of their models.
- Working with Time-Series and Sequential Data (Wed, Sep 27th, 9:00-12:00): This session will focus on the unique challenges and opportunities of working with time-series data. Students will learn how to prepare time-series data for modeling, implement forecasting techniques, and evaluate the performance of their models.